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40+ Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA dan Kunci Jawabnya Terbaru - Hai adik adik yang baik, nah pada kesempatan kali ini kakak ingin membagikan beberapa soal yang mungkin akan dibutuhkan adik adik, soal kali ini adalah soal Essay Bahasa Ingris untuk adik adik kelas XI.. Oiya Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe adalah sastrawan Jerman. Ia mengatakan bahwasanya, mereka yang tidak tahu apapun tentang bahasa asing, sama saja dengan tidak mengenal bahasanya sendiri. Maksud dari pernyataan Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe adalah, setiap manusia di belahan bumi memiliki bahasa yang berbeda-beda. Walaupun begitu banyak bahasa yang ada, kita harus mengetahui bahasa yang ada di dunia, setidaknya satu bahasa asing dikarenakan semua manusia berada dalam satu tempat tinggal yaitu bumi. Maka dari itu, kita harus mengetahui bahasa asing seperti bahasa Inggris yang mana bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa asing yang dipatenkan menjadi bahasa Internasional sehingga kita dapat berkomunikasi dengan siapapun di belahan bumi ini.

40+ Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA dan Kunci Jawabnya Terbaru
40+ Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA dan Kunci Jawabnya Terbaru

    Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA

    40+ Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA dan Kunci Jawabnya Terbaru - Bagi sahabat rumpunnews dimana saja berada yang ingin sekali mempelajari Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA ini, adik adik bisa menguduh materi ini di rumpunnews dalam bentuk file doc. Berikut ini adalah rincian Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA Semester 1.. SELAMAT MENGUNDUH YAA...

    Berikut rumpunnews memberikan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA

    1. Tulis namamu di sudut kanan atas
    2. Bacalah setiap soal dengan teliti.
    3. Kerjakan dulu soal yang kamu anggap mudah.
    4. Periksa kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum diserahkan pada pengawas.

    Baca juga

    A. Berilah tanda silang (x) didepan huruf a,b atau c didepan jawaban yang benar !

    1# Complete the dialogue with the right answer in the box
    Desi: “Hi, Udin, I…. (1) Shoes yesterday. What do you think about them?”
    Udin: “I…. (2) they are beautiful red shoes.”
    Desi: “Are you sure, Udin?”
    Udin: “Yes, of course. Do you …. (3) red color?”
    Desi: “Yes, I like it.”
    Udin: “I think that color matches for you.”
    Desi: “Thank you, Udin.”
    Udin: “Okay, you …. (4) Welcome.”
    Desi: “See you tomorrow, Udin.”
    Udin: “…. (5).”
    1. Bought.
    2. Think.
    3. Like.
    4. Are.
    5. See you.

    2# Match the English word into Indonesian!

    6. b. Saran.
    7. d. Tawaran.
    8. a. Tahu.
    9. e. Piker
    10. c. Pendapat.

    3# Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!
    Amir: “We have been waiting nearly three quarters of an hour.”
    Budi: “Yes, I think the bus will never come.”
    Amir: “Would it be an idea to walk?”
    Budi: “Yes, it’s a good idea.”
    Amir: “Has the new restaurant opened today?”
    Budi: “It has opened yesterday already. My friend told me it has a new and delicious menu.”
    Amir: “Why don’t we eat there?”
    Budi: “it is a wonderful idea.”


    11. How long have Amir and Budi waited?
    Answer: 3 quarter of an hour.

    12. What for did Amir and Budi wait?
    Answer: Bus.

    13. When did the new restaurant open?
    Answer: Yesterday.

    14. Who told Budi that the restaurant had a delicious menu?
    Answer: Budi’s friend.

    15. Mention one expression of giving a suggestion!
    Answer: Why don’t we eat there?

    4# Read the following dialogue and then answer the questions!
    Lusi: “What do you think about the causes of flood, Susi?
    Susi: “I think the citizen can’t keep the area clean.”
    Lusi: “What is the cause of the occurance?”
    Susi: “Because the citizens throw rubbish in the river.”
    Lusi: “I think so. What do you suggest for the citizens?”
    Susi: “They must throw rubbish in the dust plant around.”
    Lusi: “Okay, I think we must do it.”
    Susi: “Yes, of course.”
    Lusi: “See you there.”
    Susi: “See you.”


    16. What does Susi think about the occurance?
    Answer: She thinks the citizen can’t keep the area clean.

    17. What causes the occurance above?
    Answer: The citizen throw rubbish in the river.

    18. What is Susi’s suggestion to the citizen in there?
    Answer: The citizen must throw rubbish in the dust plant around.

    19. Do they keep the environment clean?
    Answer: No, they don’t.

    20. Write the sentence showing about suggestion the dialogue!
    Answer: They must throw rubbish in the dust plan around.

    1# Read the following text and answer the questions!


    21. Person who writer of the letter is….
    Jawaban: University.

    22. The exam’s name is….
    Jawaban: Celebrate the graduation of “Kathrine Sabrine Kalden.”

    23. If we want to join, we must contact to….
    Jawaban: Monica.

    24. The event will be held in….
    Jawaban: Wet pine Street Red Jambu.

    25. The recipient of the invitation above is….
    Jawaban: Class of XI.

    2# Match the English word into Indonesian translation!

    26. b. Undangan.
    27. c. Tubuh.
    28. e. hari jadi tahunan.
    29. d. pembukuan.
    30. a. surat.

    3# Read the following text and then answer the questions!
    Dear my best friend,
    I would like to invite you to come to my wedding party. It will be held:
    Date : Sunday, September 28th, 2014
    Place : Pancasila Building Bandar Lampung
    Time : 08.30 a.m.
    Hopefully you can come to my precious moment, your coming in my honor, Thank you very much for your coming.

    31. What kind of party held by Juwita?
    Answer: Wedding party.

    32. Who is the recipient of the text above?
    Answer: Juwita’s best friend.

    Baca juga

    33. When will the party be held?
    Answer: Sunday, September 28th, 2014.

    34. What kind of the text is it?
    Answer: Invitation text.

    35. Where will the party be held?
    Answer: Pancasila Building Bandar Lampung.

    4# Read the following text and answer the questions!


    36. What kind of invitation is it?
    Answer: Wedding invitation.

    37. When will the celebration be held?
    Answer: Sunday, the fifth of June. Two thousand and sixteen.

    38. Where will the celebration be held?
    Answer: “Gedung Wanita” Reception Hall Gazibu Ave.

    39. Where is the location of Gazibu Ave?
    Answer: North Jakarta, Jakarta.

    40. Who is Sonya Ekarina?
    Answer: Mr and Mrs, Arman Depari’s daughter.

    Demikianlah informasi yang bisa kami sampaikan, mudah-mudahan dengan adanya 40+ Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11 SMA/MA dan Kunci Jawabnya Terbaru ini para siswa akan lebih semangat lagi dalam belajar demi meraih prestasi yang lebih baik. Selamat belajar!!

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